Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally here...

Six weeks of holiday were merely enough. But it was the best time I had since I left home a year ago. I am really happy. Happy that my dearest grandma was able to be on a path to heaven without any pain and worries. Love you, granny. I will always remember all your words. Bye bye to my mah jong's. haha. I love you very much "飛", too bad i can't feel and touch you anymore. Rest assured, I will be back with ya' soon. whahaha.
Now, here i am to where I've always wanted to be, Florida State University in pursuit of my Actuarial degree. It was five years ago when I decided on this path. And now, I'm still on the starting line of my destination. It was surely a wonderful journey, a journey of revelation on life. I've learned to be a responsible person. Thank you mom and dad for presenting me this golden opportunity. Thank you sis and bro for the constant support and advise that you gave me. I promise that I will succeed no matter what it takes.

Lunch @ 11.35 a.m.
Caesars Salad "Remix"

El Drew : just woke up!

The Crib @ Tallahasse & Ma' Little Kia

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