Thursday, August 21, 2008

One's World

No matter who you are and where you were from, you definitely live in a world of your one. When I first stepped my foot on this land of opportunity a year ago, I wondered if I had been in the wrong place. But I have chosen this route and there is no turning back. I know that it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to explore this so called "Heaven on Earth" Why? Basically, you are entitled to endless opportunity and wealth if you were born in this country. Life here is absolutely no-brainer. I think it is the only place here where beer can be cheaper than water. To be continued..
Simply Delicioso breakfast..

Baby Ben Video 1 :

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally here...

Six weeks of holiday were merely enough. But it was the best time I had since I left home a year ago. I am really happy. Happy that my dearest grandma was able to be on a path to heaven without any pain and worries. Love you, granny. I will always remember all your words. Bye bye to my mah jong's. haha. I love you very much "飛", too bad i can't feel and touch you anymore. Rest assured, I will be back with ya' soon. whahaha.
Now, here i am to where I've always wanted to be, Florida State University in pursuit of my Actuarial degree. It was five years ago when I decided on this path. And now, I'm still on the starting line of my destination. It was surely a wonderful journey, a journey of revelation on life. I've learned to be a responsible person. Thank you mom and dad for presenting me this golden opportunity. Thank you sis and bro for the constant support and advise that you gave me. I promise that I will succeed no matter what it takes.

Lunch @ 11.35 a.m.
Caesars Salad "Remix"

El Drew : just woke up!

The Crib @ Tallahasse & Ma' Little Kia