Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Guess what is 150/90? Its by blood pressure. How did my blood pressure got this high? Apparently, there are no solid reason for an individual to get high blood pressure. Though it is hereditary, I doubt that I had this from my dad. My bro doesn't have it, why would I have it? I have been exercising often all the while I've been here. Damn it. I have been contemplating about it for a while. Eventually, I narrowed it down to food intake, stress and sleep. Now I'm monitoring my food intake and also make sure that I get enough sleep. Besides, I also try to exercise as much as I could.
It has been a hell of a semester. No doubt about that! How I wish that it could end right now. Too bad I'm only at the beginning of this long and winding journey. Actuarial Science? Phew..I never imagined that I could be so hard. It is not what I expected it to be. To those out there who are thinking about this career? Think again! haha. Make sure you are really into math + finance + stats + business + economics. Speaking of which you can get a degree in each of these majors. Basically, Actuarial Science is the combination of all these majors. And that is why its name Actuarial "SCIENCE". And this is one of the few majors that requires on-going professional examination even after you are done with studies in university. That is a total of *9* rigid exams. Its too late for me to back down from it. I believe that nothing is impossible! Seriously, I have to admit that I am not smart. I have seen smart people and I have to salute them. I'm not gonna give up without a real fight. I think that all it takes for one to succeed is to be detemined and work hard.
I am more than half way through the semester now. This is my first time being in the library for most of my days that I have lived. I would have got full credit for attending library hours. haha. There is no turning back for me. Too much hope have been put on me and I just can't let them down. Rest assured! I will endure this gruesome battle and conquer my future.

Now onto some football action. haha. I don't like this game but I went for the game just for the gist of it! Imagine standing for 4 hours under the sizzling sun. Damn.. It was still fun thing to do on weekends. Perhaps, it is the only thing that students can do on weekends beside studying and partying in this small city.

F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E!